11 August 2012

The next Board Meeting

The next Board meeting of the Food Integrity Group Co-operative Limited shall be held on Wednesday evening, 12th September. Venue to be confirmed.

Whilst it is officially a Director's meeting, all FIG members are very welcome to attend. Should members have anything they wish to have tabled at the meeting, please advise in writing (as per the following) no later than Tuesday 29th August. Here is some information we sent out prior to our last meeting for the benefit of newer members:
  • The Act states that board co-ops are required to hold board meetings at least every 3 months which must be advertised to its members.
  • Members are entitled to attend or have issues tabled at the meeting if they choose. If members choose to have an item tabled at the board meeting, a written request must be given to one of the Directors of the Board* no less than 14 days prior to the meeting. (* Current Directors are Shahrin, Peta, Mjanchen, Maree and David.)
  • It must be noted that while any member is entitled to be present at the meetings only board members have the right to vote on a tabled issue.
At any other time, should members have queries, requests or suggestions in relation to the day to day running of the co-op, please see one of the Co-op Directors, desk folk, or send off an email to us.

Of course, if any people new to FIG would like any information, please contact us in the same manner!

See you at the co-op...!

05 August 2012

Hungry For Change film, 6th August

Jenny from Think More Raw is showing a fabulous film on Monday 6th August:


Ring either of those numbers to enquire if there are seats available, and get yourself added to Jenny's list so that you may receive her updates regularly.