17 December - last day of co-op operation for 2012.
We're back on Monday, 7th January, 2013.
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Thank you very much to our FIG members, FIG farmers and suppliers, for another good year.
It's been a big one, with Incorporation earlier on, moving premises, rabbiting on to farmers about growing organically and encouraging our members to grow their own food as well. FIG would not happen at all without the support of local farmers but, most importantly, without the amazing support and dedication of a lot of volunteers.
We thank you all, very much.
2013 will see us talking to more farmers about the importance of chemical free food, and to develop the FIG Friend plan, as well as other things! So, if you are out there reading this and wishing you lived closer to FIG or had a closer pick up point, you may like to consider becoming a FIG Friend yourself or advising us that you'd use this service in your region.
We wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and holiday season. Catch up in the new year...