26 November 2010

Organic Eating Out

If you make the decision to eat only organic foods, then your options for eating out can be quite limited. There are a few places on the Coast that serve ‘conscious food’; free range eggs, Lilydale chicken, organic milk and cream etc etc. But still, eating at some of these places can be difficult when you want an entirely organic meal.

We were very impressed to hear that a local Organic store was now serving ORGANIC bacon and egg rolls with organic coffee on a Saturday morning (the organic coffee, hot chocolate and chai is available every day!). There are other items on the menu as well such as corn fritters, sausage rolls and from this Saturday, the plan is to have a BBQ available as well with ORGANIC meat and salads. With the corn fritters and sausage rolls, you would need to check that everything is organic in these pieces. I think the corn fritters are mostly organic ingredients and I know the sausage rolls are all organic filling, but have a conventional pastry on the outside. BUT - the great thing is that there is a FULLY ORGANIC OPTION! Generally, the bacon and egg rolls are served with conventional nitrate free bacon, but all you need do is ask for ORGANIC bacon as you order and this is happily done for you. There is a small $2 charge for the Organic bacon substitute, but DEFINITELY worth it, they are DELICIOUS! Organic roll, organic butter, organic bacon, Lisa Edward’s eggs, organic tomato sauce AH! Yes, ladies and gentlemen it appears Ooomph Fresh at East Gosford is setting a standard for organic food café offerings on the Coast.

If you would like to find out more about the latest organic café offerings at Ooomph then you can call and speak with the very vibrant character, Andrew on 4321 1133.

I just received the following information in an email from Andrew and thought I would share it with anyone interested. Darren will also be there at Andrew's on Saturday with his Organic Seedlings!

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