We have been picking geranium (lemon and rose), salad burnet and mint to infuse in our Springtime teas. Spring has really landed here on the Coast and our gardens are full of wonderful little treasures that can be used in the most delightful ways in our culinary experiments.
::Fresh Springtime Garden tea::
• Take 1 large handful of tea friendly Spring herbs from your garden
• Place in your tea pot
• Pour boiled water into the pot
• Allow tea to infuse for 3-5 minutes
• Pour - drink - relax - enjoy
We’d love to hear what fragrant and tasty herbs you have flourishing in abundance in your gardens at the moment, and your favourite recipe’s for these herbs. And did you know that you can make pesto and capers out of Nasturtiums?
I'm enjoying one of my favourites - Lemon Verbena tea. Every so often I have a comfrey tea which is so much nicer than I ever imagined. I need to experiment with blending my herbs for tea.
Can we look forward to some Nasturtium recipes, then? ;)
Ah! yes, thank you for reminding me, we have lemon balm that we have also been picking for the teas. I am interested in the comfrey tea, I had no idea you could make a tea from it. Do you use the leaves? They are HUGE. Do you just rip them up a bit and infuse as normal?
I haven't tried any of the nasturtium recipe's but if our nasturtiums reappear this year in the garden, I will definitely try some and let you know how it all goes! :)
I had only ever used comfrey in the compost and as an addition to the chook breakfast porridge, however came across a few references to it as a health giving and bone building plant for people, so tried it. I rip the leaves up a little as you suggested and pop them in the tea infuser. I have emailed you a link to some great comfrey information...
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